Purpose of the NC Pre-K Committee
The NC Pre-K Program is built upon a system of existing local Smart Start partnerships, public school systems, Head Start agencies, and other entities that demonstrate the ability to provide high-quality pre-kindergarten services for eligible four-year-old children. The NC Pre-K Program requires that every county (or region) that participates in providing services for NC Pre-K must establish and maintain a County/Region NC Pre-K Committee.
The purpose of the NC Pre-K Committee is to:
1. Select a Contracting Agency;
2. Review Contract with DCDEE annually to include revisions and/or updates based on changes to NC Pre-K due to legislation;
3. Develop operational policies and procedures;
4. Ensure collaboration and shared responsibility for developing, approving and implementing the local plan for delivering NC Pre-K services at the county/regional level;
5. Ensure NC Pre-K services are implemented based on the existing early childhood service delivery system and that service providers in the county/region, with the ability to provide NC Pre-K services, can express interest and be considered to serve as NC Pre-K sites (i.e., standardized site selection process);
6. Provide ongoing, collaborative advice about local policies and procedures in the implementation of NC Pre-K services; and
7. Provide oversight for the local program (both programmatic and fiscal).