NC Pre-K Application Coming Soon

About Us

Carteret Preschool Center is a warm and welcoming school of approximately 60 children, who are served by an exceptional staff that becomes part of their family. We serve students from all over Carteret County through an application and screening process. We have six classrooms. Many of the children at CPC are NC Pre-k students. All of our classrooms have a teacher and a minimum of one teacher assistant. There is no fee for any students at our school. The mission of Carteret Preschool Center is to enhance the education of all children while guiding them towards their highest potential.



Thank You, Big Rock!

Carteret Preschool Center would like to publicly acknowledge the amazing generosity of the Big Rock Foundation. There is a long history of the Big Rock Foundation’s support of CPC including, most recently, the awarding of a $20,000 grant in 2022. This grant allowed us to be able to purchase and install a fantastic, new, ADA-compliant playground system. This play structure allows typically developing students as well as students with disabilities the opportunity to access our outdoor learning environment. The Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament

Purple StarBig Rock